Welcome to the blog of K.R. Senn Ministries. We trust that this blog will be a blessing for you ... but most importantly that it will honor our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Revival Meeting at Family Baptist Church!

Next week we return to Guam for the 3rd time! This has become "our island" and we anticipate each opportunity to minister here. We have made so many friends on this island and the churches we minister in are quite special. We begin our meetings at Family Baptist Church in Dededo. 

Please pray that God will do a great work in every service and Guam will experience revival! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

REVIVAL Turtle Mountain Baptist Church

This evening we start Revival meetings at Turtle Mountain Baptist Church in Rolla, ND. Rolla is located on the outskirts of the Chippewa reservation about 10 miles from the Canadian border.

Missionary Frank Sheridan started this church in 1997 and has diligently worked to start a church in a forgotten place! Bro. Sheridan used to be our pastor for the few years we were in England in the early  90's. It was during those years that God opened many doors for me. Together with The Lord, we were able to accomplish much for the glory of God.

Please pray that God would move in a mighty way this week!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Minot Baptist Church

Yesterday we had great services at Minot Baptist Church. I honestly didn't know what to expect. Throughout my AF career Minot had always had a reputation as a place you didn't want to be stationed at. But this weekend has proven that myth to be inaccurate.

The church was extremely friendly and responsive to God's Word. Although they have experienced a recent split, they are determined to reach people for Christ. It was refreshing to see visitors in both services.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The following is the preface of the new book I'm writing about SMALL CHURCHES. It is an ongoing project and I'm thankful for all the input I've received thus far ... Both positive and negative.


The following book is a collection of my observations and is not meant to be all-inclusive. Some may take offense, but my intention is not to offend anyone. Instead I hope God will use these few words to cause us to examine ourselves and become more motivated to reach our generation for Christ.
I have spent several years researching this subject. I have dedicated myself to helping the smaller church and it is my belief that if our nation is to experience revival again, it will come through our smaller churches.
There are reasons that some churches are small. Sometimes they are small because they are in a small, remote community. The field God has placed them in will only yield a certain amount. It stands to reason that a garden that is an acre in size will produce more than one that is only big enough to host a single plant! I have preached in several churches in this situation and they are actively doing all they can do to reach their community.

"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.  Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples."  John 15:4-5, 8

But many times churches are small because they are no longer vibrant and healthy! God has placed them in a place where there is much fruit to be reaped, but they have lost their will to be what they should be! Some have even become comfortable with being complacent. They use the same dead excuses to make themselves feel better! I have often heard people say that they are small because “they can’t take preaching”. Yet, there is another church in their community that holds to the same doctrine and preaches the same message that is thriving! Maybe it’s time to look into the mirror and see if there is something we have neglected in our own ministry. Maybe it’s time to get back on our knees and ask God, “Is it me?” instead of automatically calling everyone else a compromiser. Maybe the others have compromised, but we cannot use them for an excuse. We must examine ourselves and through prayer let God examine us.
A small church is not necessarily small in attendance. There are plenty of churches that have “numbers”, but they have left the path they once traveled! At one time, they were an infant church that probably started in a living room or store front. They prayed, they preached, and they dedicated themselves to reaching people for Christ. But once they reached a certain size they became satisfied. They are no longer actively doing those things which made them vibrant. They have become SMALL MINDED! They are just a few years away from becoming a church of 20 in a building that once held 200.
The answer is obvious. WE NEED REVIVAL! We need to return to that place in history where God had his hand upon us. We need the power of God back, but we will never get there until we look in the mirror and ask, “Is it me?”

Monday, July 22, 2013


The following is a rough outline for an article that I'll finish writing soon. It is based on my preaching experiences over the past 19 months.

1. They are in their Infancy
2. They are Discouraged
3. They are Embattled
4. They are Comfortable
5. They are Lazy
6. They are Ignorant of the Purpose of the Local Church
7. They have No Vision