Welcome to the blog of K.R. Senn Ministries. We trust that this blog will be a blessing for you ... but most importantly that it will honor our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

REVIVAL Turtle Mountain Baptist Church

This evening we start Revival meetings at Turtle Mountain Baptist Church in Rolla, ND. Rolla is located on the outskirts of the Chippewa reservation about 10 miles from the Canadian border.

Missionary Frank Sheridan started this church in 1997 and has diligently worked to start a church in a forgotten place! Bro. Sheridan used to be our pastor for the few years we were in England in the early  90's. It was during those years that God opened many doors for me. Together with The Lord, we were able to accomplish much for the glory of God.

Please pray that God would move in a mighty way this week!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Minot Baptist Church

Yesterday we had great services at Minot Baptist Church. I honestly didn't know what to expect. Throughout my AF career Minot had always had a reputation as a place you didn't want to be stationed at. But this weekend has proven that myth to be inaccurate.

The church was extremely friendly and responsive to God's Word. Although they have experienced a recent split, they are determined to reach people for Christ. It was refreshing to see visitors in both services.